Monday, September 7, 2009

Research Journal #3c Develop a Research Question

The text book says that a good way to start is by writing a question that starts off with each of the following words: who, what, when, where, how, why, should, would.
  • Who as effected most by the ideas that Henry Kissinger presented in his book on Diplomacy?
  • What would be the costs and benefits of making Henry Kissinger's idea of diplomacy our foreign policy?
  • When would Diplomacy, as defined by Henry Kissinger, be the most logical route for American to take in terms of foreign policy?
  • Where is America's Foreign policy does diplomacy fit in?
  • How is it possible to make diplomacy the first line of defense in a world that has related to fighting in order to solve disputes for all of history?
  • Why should Henry Kissinger's ideas even be discussed in today's political situation?
  • Should America adopt a strict foreign policy that directly correlates
  • with the ideas that Henry Kissinger presented in his book "Diplomacy"
  • Would the idea of Diplomacy in which Henry Kissinger discusses in his book "Diplomacy" have been a workable foreign policy in the 1960's?


  1. I like your selected topic and feel that if you can compare and contrast with the chosen time line you will have a compelling paper

  2. This is a very pointed question. One problem that quite a few people would struggle with is staying on topic. You are directly talking about the 1960's, it is easy to write on a topic like this and wander off into our present day. Also presenting the idea that diplomacy does not always work is sometimes difficult as well. I don't know what you are going to say about the topic, but being a political science major I have seen people discuss this topic several times while being close minded and writing the opposite side off as war mongers and such. It is easy to argue for diplomacy but it takes quite a bit of logic to express when diplomacy does not work. This is a great topic.

  3. So far it's a good over view of the topic. One thing is narrow it down, to a certain time or place.

  4. Search Strings good, cant think of anything I would do different!!
