Monday, September 7, 2009

Research journal #3b Narrowing research topic

In the textbook the first idea is to develop a list of possible debates that people may have about your topic.
  • Was Kissinger's Ideas for diplomacy in the 1960's practice to the full intent that he had originally intended?
  • Could Kissinger's Idea's be used in the current political situation involving America's war in Iraq?
  • Was Immanuel Kant in fact, the first person to come up with the idea that simple diplomacy could resolve foreign policy conflicts between countries.
From these potential topics I feel as though reading deeply into Immanuel Kant would intensely interesting, but it would also be far to much material for a 10 page paper. When It comes to applying his ideas to current situations I do not feel as though I could avoid bringing current political issues into the research and this would become a current issue research paper more than a paper that would stay focused on a concrete topic. At this time I feel as though the best topic to focus on would be whether or not Kissinger's ideas were fully tested in the ending of the Vietnam war or if they were used at all. I also plan to look at his entire idea of diplomacy and argue whether or not his policy is workable or not.

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