Monday, September 7, 2009

Research journal #3a Exploring Your Research topic

The first step that I took was to do a general search on Google scholar. I searched the words diplomacy and Henry Kissinger. Many of the pages that came up were just online excerpts from the book that Henry Kissinger wrote called Diplomacy. As I scanned through all of the search results I came to an article that Kissinger wrote about his book. In this article I was interested to see read that much of the ideas in Kissinger's book were ideas that were originally thought up by Immanuel Kant.

After that I began to look at what website people had bookmarked about Kissinger and diplomacy on delicious. While searching delicious I found a link to an article that Kissinger wrote recently in the Washington post. This article was extremely interesting because Kissinger explains the promises that president Obama has made since taking office and he takes the current foreign policy and compares it to the problems the he himself had faced first hand during the Nixon administration.

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