Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Research Journal #7a Internet Research Tools

As discussed in class on Thursday, October 1, 2009, I prefer to use Google as my primary search engine. In all honesty I do not know why I have decided to use it so much. When it comes to the things that I like about Google, I would have to say that the primary feature I enjoy is that google has marketed themselves so well. Almost every website that I visit has a Google search box and it is so easy to use. When it comes to Google I also enjoy there maps. Google has done the best job at incorporating maps into the searches that I do. I would say that my main complaint with Google is the Ads on the page they can be very very distracting and I do not like the fact that websites can pay Google to be on the top of the list when certain items are searched. I feel as though this takes away from the accuracy of the individual searches.

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