Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Research Journal #6a Periodical Articles

1.Database used: Library of Congress online Catalog
-Author: G.R. Berridge, Maurice Keens-Soper, and T.G. Otte
-Title of Article: Diplomatic theory from Machiavelli to Kissinger
-Title of periodic article: Studies of Diplomacy
-Date: 2001
-Pages: Entire article
**Online Source: Library of congress online catalog
-Website: catalog.loc.gov
-Accessed on 10/06/2009
2. Datebase used: EBSCO
-Author: Newhouse, John
-Title of Article: Diplomacy, Inc.
-Title of Periodical: Foreign Affairs
-Volume and Number of Issue: Volume 88, Number 3
-Date: May/Jun2009
-Pages: p73-92, 20p
**Online Source: Academic Search Premier EBSCO
-Accessed from Auraria Campus Library
-Accessed on :10/06/2009
Searches used:
--Library of congress--
Keywords: Henry Kissinger and Diplomacy
Strategies: Henry Kissinger +Diplomacy
Date: 10/06/2009
Number of Hits: 30
Relevance: 4 out of 5
Keywords: Kissinger and Diplomacy
Strategies: I just used the advanced search on the website to enter the keywords
Date: 10/06/2009
Number of Hits: 537
Relevance: 5 out of 5

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