Sunday, October 18, 2009

Research Journal #7c Field Reseach Plan

For my field research I am planning on conducting an interview with my Political Science Professor. I am choosing to interview him because he is and expert in the field of international politics and he has offered very insightful conversation on the few occasions that we have discussed political matters. I have yet to form an extremely concise topic for my research paper, but from what I have learned thus far in my research I will focus my questions on whether or not Henry Kissinger's Idea of Diplomacy is or was ever adopted fully by the United States political structure.

Research Journal #7b Internet Research Tool Test

Resource used:
Keywords used: In my case my tool did not allow for key words or search strings, it only allowed for me to enter a website on my topic. So the first website that I entered was State.Gov.
Date of search: 10/18/09
Number of hits: this website only brings up 8 hits for every website that you search.
Relevance of hits: This was the one part of this site that I really enjoyed, each search that I did brought back very relevant sites, I would give this site a 5 for relevance of Hits.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Research Journal #7a Internet Research Tools

As discussed in class on Thursday, October 1, 2009, I prefer to use Google as my primary search engine. In all honesty I do not know why I have decided to use it so much. When it comes to the things that I like about Google, I would have to say that the primary feature I enjoy is that google has marketed themselves so well. Almost every website that I visit has a Google search box and it is so easy to use. When it comes to Google I also enjoy there maps. Google has done the best job at incorporating maps into the searches that I do. I would say that my main complaint with Google is the Ads on the page they can be very very distracting and I do not like the fact that websites can pay Google to be on the top of the list when certain items are searched. I feel as though this takes away from the accuracy of the individual searches.

Research Journal #6c Protopage

Here is the link to my protopage-
Starbucks banker

Research Journal #6b Search Strings

Revision of search strings:
I realized after reading the the comments on my search strings that I could put Henry Kissinger's name in parenthesis and I could use the + sign to narrow my searches better.
Diplomacy +(Henry Kissinger)

Research Journal #6a Periodical Articles

1.Database used: Library of Congress online Catalog
-Author: G.R. Berridge, Maurice Keens-Soper, and T.G. Otte
-Title of Article: Diplomatic theory from Machiavelli to Kissinger
-Title of periodic article: Studies of Diplomacy
-Date: 2001
-Pages: Entire article
**Online Source: Library of congress online catalog
-Accessed on 10/06/2009
2. Datebase used: EBSCO
-Author: Newhouse, John
-Title of Article: Diplomacy, Inc.
-Title of Periodical: Foreign Affairs
-Volume and Number of Issue: Volume 88, Number 3
-Date: May/Jun2009
-Pages: p73-92, 20p
**Online Source: Academic Search Premier EBSCO
-Accessed from Auraria Campus Library
-Accessed on :10/06/2009
Searches used:
--Library of congress--
Keywords: Henry Kissinger and Diplomacy
Strategies: Henry Kissinger +Diplomacy
Date: 10/06/2009
Number of Hits: 30
Relevance: 4 out of 5
Keywords: Kissinger and Diplomacy
Strategies: I just used the advanced search on the website to enter the keywords
Date: 10/06/2009
Number of Hits: 537
Relevance: 5 out of 5