Sunday, August 30, 2009

Research Journal #2b 3 Paragraphs about research topic

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on a Dallas street in 1963. Since this event many books and articles have been published about the controversy surrounding his death. Due the the lack of solid evidence related to this potential research topic, I came to the conclusion that it would not be the best choice to write a 3,600 research paper about. I then moved onto the idea of analyzing the current nationalized health care bill that is currently being presented to congress. Since the bill itself is over 300 pages long, and constantly changing, I decided that this topic would not be one that could be easily research or argued. Mainly through a process of elimination I have decide to reopen the debate that about America's foreign policy and that an ideology of diplomacy can or cannot be formed into a workable solution to the debate.
After skimming through numerous books about foreign policy and politics in general I have picked up a few facts about diplomacy. This was an idea that was first introduced by Henry Kissinger to be a workable way for a country to conduct foreign affairs in order to avoid major conflict and tragedy. I know that Kissinger's main political ideology was formulated around his perception of foreign policy. He also played a large role in the administration of Richard Nixon.
In this research paper I would like to learn how much of an impact Diplomacy had on the discussions and decisions that the Nixon administration implemented. Throughout this research process I would also like to understand the basic concepts of using diplomacy as a workable foreign policy. I do not fully understand how or if this idea shaped foreign policy during the Nixon administration. I would also like to look at the global political climate before and after Kissinger introduced his idea of Diplomacy and compare the two "political cultures" to see if his ideas actually changed the way that the world conducts business on a global scale.

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