Wednesday, November 4, 2009

RJA #9: Evaluation of Sources

Source 1:
Isaacson, Walter. Kissinger: A Biography. New York: Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, 2005. Print.

RJA #8c: Multimedia

Resource searched or tool used:
Keywords used:Kissinger, Diplomacy
Strategies used:Kissinger +Diplomacy
Date of search: November 4, 2009
Number of hits: 34
Relevance of hits: 1.9

RJA #8b: Social Media

Resource searched or tool used:
Keywords used: Kissinger, Diplomacy
Search strategies: Kissinger +Diplomacy
Date of search: November 4, 2009
Number of Hits: 723
Relevance of hits: 4.1

Resource searched or tool used:
Keywords used: Kissinger, Diplomacy
Search strategies:Kissinger +Diplomacy
Date of search: November 4, 2009
Number of Hits:8
Relevance of hits: 2.3

RJA #8a: Websites

Resource searched or tool used:
Keywords used: Kissinger, diplomacy
Strategy used: Kissinger +Diplomacy
Date of search: November 4, 2009
Number of hits: 334,000
Relevance of Hits: 2

Resource searched or tool
Keywords used: Kissinger, Diplomacy
Strategy used: Kissinger +Diplomacy
Date of search: November 4, 2009
Number hits: 183
Relevance of hits:4.3

Resource searched or tool used:
Keywords used: Kissinger, Diplomacy
Strategy used: Kissinger, Diplomacy
Date of search: November 4, 2009
Number hits: 5
Relevance of hits: 4.7

Resource searched or tool used:
Keywords used: kissinger, diplomacy
Strategy used: kissinger +diplomacy
Date of search: November 4, 2009
Number hits: 2,403
Relevance of hits: 3.5

Internet Research Project

Name of tool researched: inSuggest
Link to inSuggest
Summary: I was unable to see that actual strategy for how the search engine works, From what I can tell this search engine is takes that tags from certain websites that the user chooses and then searches for websites that have similar subject content.
Strengths: The major strength of this search engine would have to be how user friendly it is. The second you visit the website you are already an instant expert on how to use it.
Weaknesses: I would have to say that the major weakness of this search engine is that a user must already know websites that they are looking for in order to find similar sites. This is a great secondary search tool but I would not recommend this search engine for primary research.
Search Engines, Directories, and other applications searched: From exploring this website, I cannot find out if or what other search engines are used. I would not consider this search engine as a megacrawler.
From what I have found this website does not have an advanced search option. It also does not work with any operators.
The overall perception that I get from inSuggest is that it started with a great idea and instead of focusing on functionality, the decided to make it more of a game.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Research Journal #7c Field Reseach Plan

For my field research I am planning on conducting an interview with my Political Science Professor. I am choosing to interview him because he is and expert in the field of international politics and he has offered very insightful conversation on the few occasions that we have discussed political matters. I have yet to form an extremely concise topic for my research paper, but from what I have learned thus far in my research I will focus my questions on whether or not Henry Kissinger's Idea of Diplomacy is or was ever adopted fully by the United States political structure.

Research Journal #7b Internet Research Tool Test

Resource used:
Keywords used: In my case my tool did not allow for key words or search strings, it only allowed for me to enter a website on my topic. So the first website that I entered was State.Gov.
Date of search: 10/18/09
Number of hits: this website only brings up 8 hits for every website that you search.
Relevance of hits: This was the one part of this site that I really enjoyed, each search that I did brought back very relevant sites, I would give this site a 5 for relevance of Hits.